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Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Washington County Real Estate Market Update – November 2012

For a few months now we had been waiting and watching as much of the nation held its collective breath to see election results. In terms of real estate, the impact of elections is largely undocumented but often translate to buyers (and sellers) preferring to hold back until there is a result on record. There is traditionally a spike in the economy during a Presidential election year, which, as we all know, boosts consumer confidence, and the whole cycle starts up.

Sales Are On the Rise Across the Board
Locally in our area we are experiencing a surge in sales, mostly due to the unprecedented low interest rates combined with equally as remarkable low property prices. Sales increases were reported throughout all regions in the US, including a few with increases logged in the triple digits – and equally, the St. George area marketplace mirrors this trend.

It’s An Excellent Time to Buy
This remains one of the best times ever to buy a home. Prices are low and interest rates continue to remain lower than ever before with some loan products offered at 2.25%! The current market trend has created the unique situation of an environment that is ripe with opportunity for buyers and sellers alike.

Sellers Are Also Enjoying Success
In fact, buyers are faced with the situation of having to figure out how to get the property of their dreams. With so few homes on the market we are seeing more and more price wars and the need to be highly competitive at the negotiation table.


If you would like to explore the real estate market to see what is out there, contact us today. If you may have found the right home and now you need a team of qualified, experienced and expert negotiators by your side – get in touch with us! And if you know of someone that is looking to buy, sell or just feel the market out, send them across! We look forward to serving all your real estate needs!

435 767 1246